Say no to drugs in the new year, know its types and 6 serious disadvantages


Whether the occasion is of happiness or sorrow, it is not right in any way to leave the hand of loved ones and keep the intoxication with you. If you are also including it in your happiness on New Year, then you should know its serious disadvantages.

Drug addiction is such a disease that is continuously affecting the young generation and making them sick in many ways. A large section of the youth is getting addicted to toxic substances like alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco, and drugs.

Intoxication doesn’t need to be done only by consuming intoxicants, intoxication can be of any type. Know the different types and disadvantages of intoxication –

  1. Substance abuse – Substance abuse includes alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, heroin, ganja, bhang, etc.
  2. Others – According to researchers, everything that you get addicted to, comes under the category of addiction. Some such habits are very difficult to give up, as – apart from drugs, tea, coffee, excessive use of modern devices such as video games, smartphones, Facebook, etc. also come under the category of addiction.

harm from intoxication

  1. The biggest disadvantage of drug abuse is the loss of health. This has the opposite effect on many parts of your body simultaneously. Especially since it takes your mind in its grip.
  2. The drug addict is always irritated and suffers from mental tension.
  3. The drug addict always lives in his thoughts, he does not care much about the environment around him.
  4. A drug addict is financially, mentally, and physically weaker than everyone.
  5. The person who is addicted to drugs gets completely away from his society and family.
  6. The person who is intoxicated is the victim of most accidents.

Does intoxication increase depression, know what problems are caused by intoxication…

Due to the wrong habit of intoxication, a person’s life changes completely. Due to drug addiction, a person becomes so helpless that he loses his temper many times. In such a situation, this habit has a profound effect on health. Due to this, many types of diseases start surrounding them. Be it the habit of tobacco, cigarette, the habit of drinking alcohol, or the habit of intoxicants like cannabis, charas, and ganja, all these are injurious to health. Let’s know what kind of diseases can be faced due to intoxication –

Mental diseases

According to myUpchar, people who have a habit of drinking more alcohol or cigarettes or those who take drugs, have their mental health very badly affected due to addiction, due to which they have mental problems like stress, depression, headache, or migraine. Looks like Intoxication affects the brain so badly that a person can even harm himself if he does not get intoxication. If someone is in the habit of taking drugs and does not get the drugs on time, then he may become mentally ill or may even become insane.

kidney related diseases

This problem mostly happens to those people, who consume alcohol. The alcohol content is very high in wine, which has a direct effect on the kidney. Many other types of problems can occur due to kidney failure, including digestive problems. The kidney gets damaged due to excessive consumption of alcohol and due to this kidney transplant may also have to be done. Once the kidney gets damaged, then one may have to face the condition of dialysis for life.

Liver related diseases

The liver is at the greatest risk due to the alcohol present in alcohol and if the liver is damaged too much, then there is no scope for its improvement. Due to this, a person’s life can also be lost. Jaundice can also occur due to liver failure.

lung diseases

Due to smoking, a person who is intoxicated is at risk of lung-related diseases. Smoking can cause diseases like asthma, and bronchitis to a person. Apart from this, their lungs start getting damaged gradually, due to which they may have difficulty in breathing. Smoking should not be done at all by those people who already have asthma problems because in this case the lungs can be completely damaged.

If you are addicted to smoking then keep this caution

according to myUpchar, first of all, be determined to overcome your addiction and strengthen your willpower. Apart from this, consult a doctor. Apart from this, keep getting checkups done from time to time so that any disease or problem can be detected in time. ( For more details see our article, DepressionRead.) (Health-related articles on News18 are written by myUpchar is the country’s first and foremost source for verified health news. myUpchar brings to you all the health-related information in collaboration with researchers and journalists, doctors bring.)

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